At Juno, we connect with clients and each other in an honest and net positive way, and have a stellar track record of creating and sustaining long-term relationships.
By creating and maintaining a positive atmosphere, we attract and retain the highest caliber of professionals, who then deliver an unparalleled experience for our clients. We are engineers, innovators, creators and craftspeople, and we love what we do.
Our leadership
Brad Fuhr, P. Eng, PE
Principal Electrical Engineer + President
Dave Tainsh, C.E.T., Master Electrician
Principal Electrical Technologist + Vice President Operations
Kolja De Regt, P. Eng
Principal Electrical Engineer + Technical Lead Electrical
Scott Lazorko
Senior Projects Specialist + Team Lead Projects
Matthew Cirka, P. Eng
Senior Electrical Engineer + Team Lead Electrical
Steven Gong, P. Eng, M. Eng, MBA, Master Electrician
Principal Electrical Engineer + Technical Lead Quality Assurance
Nick Poulos, P. Eng
Principal Instrumentation Engineer + Team Lead Instrumentation
Troy Adams, CPA, MBA
Senior Regulatory Specialist + Team Lead Regulatory
Reynolds Cordoves
Senior Electrical Specialist + Technical Lead Design & Drafting
Karl Sonnichsen
Senior Drafting Specialist + Team Lead Design & Drafting
Udara Waraketiya
Senior Automation Engineer + Team Lead Automation
Our people

Rey Alvi Alingig, E.I.T
Intermediate Automation Engineer in Training

Wynn Axworthy, P. Eng
Senior Electrical Engineer

John Berry, C.E.T
Senior Instrumentation Technologist

Danny Cravalho
Senior Drafting Specialist

Danny Daud, C.E.T
Senior Electrical Technologist

Ewan Fuhr
Electrical Student Intern

Rebecca Fuhr, BEd
Finance Coordinator

Kaylie Fulwiler
Junior Marketing & Communications Specialist

Sergei Gaidadin
Senior Drafting Specialist

Ashley Kaltenback
Senior Projects Specialist

Brent Nagy, P.L. Eng.
Senior Instrumentation Technologist

John-David O’Neil, E.I.T.
Instrumentation Engineer in Training

David Pichach, E.I.T
Electrical Engineer in Training

Jeremy Power, P.Tech
Senior Electrical Technologist

Lisa Yang
Senior Electrical Specialist

Hua Yi, P. Eng
Senior Instrumentation Engineer